The Body Keeps the Score Book Summary

The Body Keeps the Score Book Summary: Understanding Trauma and Healing

Trauma is a prevalent and life-altering experience that affects not only the individual but also those around them. In “The Body Keeps the Score (2014),” Bessel van der Kolk, MD, delves into the profound effects of trauma and the path to healing. This book summary explores the key ideas presented by the author, shedding light on the long-lasting impact of trauma and strategies for recovery.

About the Author

Before we dive into the summary, let’s get to know the author, Bessel van der Kolk, MD, who is a distinguished physician, researcher, and teacher specializing in post-traumatic stress. His extensive work in the field of trauma has made him a leading authority on the subject. Among his notable works is “Psychological Trauma and Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society.” Currently, he serves as a professor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine and has directed the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute.

Trauma’s Ubiquity in Society

Trauma isn’t an isolated experience reserved for war veterans; it’s far more common in our society than most realize. Traumatic events stem from extreme stress or pain that renders individuals helpless or overwhelmed. These experiences can encompass war-related incidents, violent crimes, accidents, and even events like rape and child abuse. Shockingly, statistics reveal that millions of women in the United States have been victims of rape, with a significant portion of them being under the age of 15 when the assault occurred. Such traumatic experiences not only affect survivors but can lead to conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and substance abuse. Moreover, traumatized individuals often struggle to trust those who haven’t undergone similar suffering, which strains relationships and may lead to estrangement or divorce.

The Harrowing Impact of Flashbacks

One of the most distressing effects of trauma is the occurrence of flashbacks. These intrusive memories force individuals to relive the mental and physical anguish of traumatic events when triggered by reminders. The author’s research highlights that during flashbacks, the body and brain enter a heightened stress mode, blurring the line between past and present. For instance, the experiment involving Marsha, a trauma survivor, showed that her heart rate and blood pressure soared while her rational thinking capabilities decreased. Such physiological responses make it difficult for PTSD sufferers to distinguish between reality and traumatic memories.

The Lifelong Consequences of Childhood Trauma

Trauma experienced during childhood leaves indelible marks that persist into adulthood. Young children, with their developing brains, are particularly vulnerable to the negative consequences of traumatic events. The author’s experiments with traumatized children revealed that they tend to expect negative outcomes, even from innocuous situations. These distorted thinking patterns often endure into adulthood, affecting the individual’s life profoundly. For instance, Marilyn, a patient of the author, suffered sexual abuse as a child, which led to severe emotional and physical health issues in her adult life.

The Unchanging Nature of Traumatic Memories

Ordinary memories tend to fade and evolve over time, but traumatic memories are different. They remain vivid, unchanging, and easily triggered. Traumatic memories are characterized by their sensory richness, involving smells, tastes, touches, and sounds. These memories remain consistent without alteration, as demonstrated by a study on World War II veterans. While the memories of those unaffected by trauma changed over time, veterans’ traumatic memories remained unchanged for decades. This persistence of trauma in memory highlights the challenges of living with it and the need for effective coping mechanisms.

EMDR – Rewiring Traumatic Memories

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful technique used to help trauma survivors integrate their memories and regain control over their minds and bodies. EMDR involves a simple yet effective process where a therapist guides the patient through traumatic memories while the patient tracks the therapist’s finger moving in front of them. The objective is to form new associations with the traumatic memory. While the exact mechanisms behind EMDR’s effectiveness remain mysterious, it has proven to be a transformative tool for trauma recovery. Kathy’s remarkable recovery journey illustrates the potential of EMDR in empowering survivors to reshape their traumatic experiences.

Yoga – Bridging the Mind-Body Gap

Trauma often leads to a hypersensitive alarm system in the body, causing panic in seemingly benign situations. To manage these overwhelming emotions, many trauma survivors turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse. However, yoga offers a healthier alternative. Through yoga, individuals can reconnect with their emotions and better understand their body’s response to them. Annie’s story exemplifies the power of yoga in helping survivors embrace negative sensations rather than repressing them, ultimately fostering emotional healing.

Mindfulness and Supportive Relationships

Mindfulness, the practice of maintaining conscious awareness of one’s body and emotions, plays a pivotal role in trauma recovery. Traumatic memories often lead individuals to suppress their emotions, hindering the healing process. Mindfulness can alleviate both psychological and physiological impacts of trauma, ranging from depression to stress. Additionally, supportive personal relationships are indispensable on the journey to recovery. Building networks of friends, family, and mental health professionals ensures a reliable support system during challenging times.

Neurofeedback – Rewiring the Brain

Electrical signals govern brain activity, and trauma can disrupt these crucial processes. Soldiers exposed to war zones, for instance, exhibited fewer calming alpha brainwaves. However, neurofeedback offers a promising solution by allowing individuals to change their brainwave patterns, including increasing the production of calming alpha waves. Lisa’s story demonstrates the transformative power of neurofeedback in helping individuals address and overcome their trauma.

A Path Forward in Trauma Recovery

While society has made strides in understanding and addressing trauma, there is still much work to be done. The journey to recovery from trauma is multifaceted, requiring a combination of mindfulness, therapy, and supportive relationships. EMDR, yoga, and neurofeedback provide innovative approaches to healing, offering hope to trauma survivors. As awareness of mental health issues continues to grow, there is optimism for a more compassionate and effective approach to trauma recovery in the future.

The Body Keeps the Score Book Summary – A Holistic Approach to Healing

In “The Body Keeps the Score,” Bessel van der Kolk provides profound insights into the complex world of trauma and its enduring impact on individuals. This summary has explored key ideas, from the ubiquity of trauma to innovative healing techniques. To navigate the path of recovery from trauma, it’s crucial to adopt a holistic approach that includes mindfulness, supportive relationships, and cutting-edge therapies like EMDR, yoga, and neurofeedback.

A Glimpse into the Future of Trauma Recovery

As our understanding of trauma deepens and the stigma surrounding mental health continues to diminish, we can look forward to a future where trauma survivors receive the care and support they truly need. The lessons from “The Body Keeps the Score” remind us that trauma is a shared human experience, and healing is possible through a combination of science, mindfulness, and compassion.


In conclusion, “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk, MD, is a compelling exploration of trauma, its lasting effects, and the potential for healing. This book summary has highlighted key ideas and insights from the author, emphasizing the importance of holistic approaches to trauma recovery. As society continues to evolve in its understanding of trauma, we can look forward to a future where survivors find hope, healing, and resilience in the face of adversity.


Disclaimer: This content is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a replacement for the original book but rather as an insightful guide to aid further reading. We do not claim ownership of the original work, and our summaries are independently created to provide a helpful overview.
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