In Order to Live Book Summary: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom by Yeonmi Park

Key idea 3: The difficulties faced by North Korean women in China.

After successfully crossing the border into China, Yeonmi and her mother quickly realized that their troubles were far from over. The broker who had aided them in their escape was part of a network of human traffickers, who profited from selling North Korean women as brides to Chinese men.

As these women were passed from one trafficker to another, they were subjected to sexual abuse and eventually matched with abusive husbands. But the horrors of this situation were only exacerbated by the fact that these women had no legal status in China and were in constant danger of being caught and sent back to North Korea.

Despite their horror and shock at this turn of events, Yeonmi and her mother decided to remain in China in the hopes of finding Yeonmi’s sister. Unfortunately, Yeonmi’s mother was eventually sold to a Chinese farmer, while Yeonmi herself was taken in by Hongwei, one of the leaders of the human trafficking network.

Despite her young age, Yeonmi was not spared from Hongwei’s abuses, as he repeatedly coerced her into having sex with him. Fearing for her life, Yeonmi even contemplated suicide, but Hongwei made her an offer that she could not refuse – he would reunite her with her mother, help her father escape from North Korea, and use his connections to find her sister.

In exchange, Yeonmi was forced to become Hongwei’s “little wife” and help him with his human trafficking operations. While living in fear and helping to sell other women, Yeonmi’s father passed away from colon cancer, and their lives became even more precarious as Hongwei’s business began to fail.

Fortunately, a woman they had previously trafficked, Myung Ok, came to their aid and offered them a job opportunity in Shenyang. There, they began working as online sex workers, always fearful of being caught and sent back to North Korea.

But the prospect of a better life arose when they met Hae Soon, another North Korean defector who told them of a possible escape to Mongolia. Despite the danger of the journey, Yeonmi and her mother decided to take the risk and make the journey through the Gobi Desert for a chance at a better life in South Korea.

Despite the challenges and horrors she faced, Yeonmi never gave up hope for a better life. She and her mother continued to work as online sex workers and save money, all while planning their escape to Mongolia.

Finally, in 2009, they made their move. Yeonmi and her mother embarked on a dangerous journey through the Gobi Desert, relying on a map drawn by a smuggler to guide them to safety. Along the way, they faced dehydration, starvation, and the constant threat of being captured by Chinese border patrols.

After eight grueling days, they finally made it to Mongolia, where they were taken in by South Korean officials and given refugee status. It was a new beginning for Yeonmi and her mother, but their struggles weren’t over yet. They had to adapt to a new language and culture, and Yeonmi was haunted by the memories of her past.

But despite all of this, Yeonmi refused to let her experiences define her. She became a human rights activist, sharing her story and advocating for the rights of North Korean refugees. She has spoken at the United Nations and other international events, shedding light on the human rights abuses committed by the North Korean regime.

Today, Yeonmi Park is a bestselling author and a powerful voice for change. Her memoir, “In Order to Live,” chronicles her journey from North Korea to freedom, and her ongoing efforts to bring attention to the plight of North Korean refugees. Through her activism and her writing, Yeonmi has inspired countless people around the world to stand up for human rights and fight for freedom.

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