Built to Move Book Summary: The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully by Kelly Starrett & Juliet Starrett

Built to Move is an exceptional and comprehensive guide that aims to revolutionize your approach to fitness, health, and overall well-being. Authored by the dynamic husband-and-wife duo, Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett, this remarkable book is designed to be your ultimate companion in the journey towards building a better, healthier, and more functional body.


At its core, Built to Move presents a remarkably simple yet profound concept: by utilizing a handful of straightforward tests to assess your movement capabilities and providing easy-to-follow routines to enhance them, you can unlock your body’s true potential. This revolutionary approach empowers individuals from all walks of life, whether you’re a self-proclaimed couch potato or a world-class athlete, to optimize their physical and mental fitness with minimal effort.


Drawing on the latest insights from the fields of mobility, sleep science, and nutrition, this book takes a holistic approach to health and well-being. It goes beyond traditional fitness regimens and offers a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between movement, sleep quality, and proper nutrition. By incorporating these essential elements into your daily life, you will discover how to maintain an optimal state of physical and mental fitness, allowing you to lead a more fulfilling and vibrant life.


Kelly Starrett, a renowned expert in mobility and movement, has already captivated audiences worldwide with his previous bestsellers, including the Wall Street Journal bestseller “Deskbound” and the New York Times bestseller “Becoming a Supple Leopard.” His in-depth knowledge and expertise, coupled with his relentless passion for helping others, have made him a trusted authority in the field. In Built to Move, Kelly combines his extensive experience with cutting-edge research to provide you with practical tools and invaluable insights that will transform the way you think about your body’s capabilities.


Juliet Starrett, a distinguished attorney, podcaster, and entrepreneur, brings her own unique perspective to the book. With her deep understanding of the legal and business aspects of health and wellness, Juliet adds a fresh dimension to the conversation. Her contribution highlights the importance of integrating movement and well-being into our increasingly sedentary and demanding lifestyles, making Built to Move a truly holistic guide that addresses the needs and challenges of modern life.

Within the pages of Built to Move, you will embark on a transformative journey, guided by Kelly and Juliet’s expert advice. The book is meticulously organized, providing a step-by-step roadmap to help you unlock your body’s innate potential. You will learn how to assess your current movement capabilities through simple yet effective tests, enabling you to identify areas that require attention and improvement. Armed with this knowledge, you will then be introduced to a collection of easy-to-follow routines specifically designed to address your unique needs, ensuring that you progress at a pace that suits you.


But Built to Move goes beyond mere exercise routines. It delves into the fundamental pillars of health and well-being, exploring the profound impact of sleep quality and nutrition on your physical and mental performance. Backed by the latest scientific research, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricate connections between movement, sleep, and nutrition. By adopting the invaluable insights shared in this book, you will be able to optimize these critical aspects of your life, fueling your body and mind to achieve peak performance.


In a world where convenience often overshadows health, Built to Move provides a refreshing perspective. It demonstrates that you don’t need to dedicate countless hours to rigorous training or adhere to restrictive diets to achieve a better, healthier body. Instead, Kelly and Juliet empower you with practical strategies that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, allowing you to maintain your newfound vitality without sacrificing precious time and energy.


With Built to Move as your guide, you will embark on a transformative journey towards building a body that is resilient, agile, and fully capable of meeting the demands of your life. As you implement the principles and practices outlined in this book, you will witness remarkable changes in your physical abilities, energy levels, and overall well-being.


Built to Move is not just a one-time read; it is a lifelong resource that will continue to support you on your journey towards optimal health. The comprehensive knowledge shared by Kelly and Juliet will empower you to make informed decisions about your body and its needs, even beyond the pages of this book. Their expertise will enable you to adapt and evolve as your circumstances change, ensuring that you continue to progress and thrive.


Moreover, Built to Move recognizes that each individual is unique, with their own set of challenges and aspirations. Whether you are recovering from an injury, seeking to enhance athletic performance, or simply looking to improve your daily mobility, this guide offers targeted solutions tailored to your specific goals. The authors’ empathetic approach fosters a sense of inclusivity, welcoming individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and fitness levels to embark on this transformative journey.


Beyond the physical benefits, Built to Move also acknowledges the inseparable connection between the body and the mind. The practices and routines presented in this book not only enhance your physical capabilities but also promote mental clarity, emotional resilience, and overall psychological well-being. By nurturing this mind-body harmony, you will experience a newfound sense of balance and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.


Furthermore, Built to Move transcends the boundaries of a traditional fitness guide by exploring the broader implications of movement and health in our society. Kelly and Juliet shed light on the detrimental effects of sedentary lifestyles and emphasize the importance of incorporating movement into our daily routines, whether at work, school, or home. By doing so, they inspire a paradigm shift, encouraging individuals and communities to prioritize their well-being and take proactive steps towards a more active and vibrant lifestyle.


Built to Move is an invaluable resource that has the power to revolutionize the way you perceive and engage with your body. Through its comprehensive approach, incorporating mobility, sleep, and nutrition science, this guide equips you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to unlock your body’s full potential. Whether you are a dedicated athlete, a busy professional, or someone seeking a healthier and more fulfilling life, Built to Move will guide you every step of the way, empowering you to build a better, healthier, and more functional body that will serve you well for years to come.



Unleash Your Body’s Potential for a Pain-Free, Energetic Life.

Are you tired of constantly dealing with knee pain or the fear of injuring your back every time you need to bend down? Does your body feel perpetually fatigued, achy, and sore, leaving you longing for relief? If these concerns resonate with you, then prepare to be enlightened as we delve into the transformative world of building a resilient and functional body that you truly deserve.


In this extensive and enlightening summary, we will guide you towards unlocking the secrets of a pain-free existence, brimming with boundless energy and the ability to tackle life’s challenges head-on. Say goodbye to the limitations and discomfort that have plagued you for far too long, and embrace a future where your body works harmoniously, supporting you in all your endeavors.


So, how exactly will we embark on this journey towards physical rejuvenation? Allow us to explain the intricacies of our approach. Each section will commence with a simple test, serving as a baseline assessment to gauge the current state of your body’s functionality. Through these evaluations, you will gain a clearer understanding of how well your body moves and functions in its present condition.


Armed with this knowledge, we will then proceed to unravel a treasure trove of straightforward practices that hold the power to enhance the performance of your remarkable human machine. These practices, when diligently integrated into your daily routine, will work wonders in improving your body’s overall functionality, allowing you to experience newfound freedom and vitality.


For your convenience, we recommend finding a comfortable spot at home where you can fully immerse yourself in the process. By doing so, you’ll be able to readily follow the instructions provided and perform the suggested exercises with ease. It’s important to note that while some of the tests and exercises may bring about slight discomfort, they should never cause pain. Always listen to your body’s cues and remember that this journey is meant to be enjoyable, empowering, and ultimately transformative.


Now, it’s time to embark on this adventure of self-discovery and physical revitalization. Prepare to witness the remarkable potential your body holds within, awaiting your guidance and commitment. By the end of this summary, you will be equipped with the tools, knowledge, and understanding needed to forge a path towards a pain-free, energetic existence. So, let us proceed together, embracing the joy of movement and the profound impact it can have on every aspect of our lives.

Sit-and-Rise Test: Rediscovering Natural Movement.


The Sit-and-Rise Test is your key to uncovering the beauty of natural movement.


The Significance of the Sit-and-Rise Test: Rediscovering Natural Movement for Improved Well-being


Let’s start by acknowledging the undeniable truth: movement is an integral part of our lives. We are in a perpetual state of motion, constantly transitioning from one posture to another. However, it is equally evident that most of us are not moving enough, nor are we moving in ways that optimize our well-being.


The modern lifestyle, with its prolonged periods of desk-bound sitting, excessive caffeine consumption, and continuous screen engagement, has taken a toll on our bodies. It’s no surprise that many of us experience stiffness, soreness, and chronic pain. Fortunately, the good news is that taking care of our bodies is far less complex than one might imagine. In this context, we emphasize the concept of “mobility.”


Mobility, a buzzword in the fitness industry, can be distilled to its essence: the ability to move in alignment with our natural design. In other words, it refers to our capacity to perform movements that our bodies were inherently meant to do.


Without further delay, let’s dive into the first movement exploration: the Sit-and-Rise test. To begin, stand barefoot and cross one leg over the other. Gradually lower yourself to the floor until you find yourself sitting comfortably in a cross-legged position. Now, the true challenge lies in rising back up to a standing position using the same leg-crossing technique, all without relying on your hands for support.


For this test, we assign a starting score of ten. However, with each struggle or need for assistance, such as losing balance, deduct one point from your score. A score ranging from three to six indicates the need for improvement, while seven to nine is considered commendable. Ultimately, your aim should be to achieve a perfect score of ten.


You might wonder why this seemingly simple test holds any significance. Well, the ability to transition effortlessly between sitting and standing is a remarkable indicator of overall health and longevity. Observe how effortlessly young children sit and move on the ground, unrestricted by conventional furniture.


As adults, we have become accustomed to prolonged chair-sitting, spending hours upon hours confined to these structures. Unfortunately, this sedentary behavior often leads to tight hips, hamstrings, and chronic back and knee pain.


So, what is the remedy to combat these ailments? The solution lies in reclaiming the act of sitting on the floor. There are numerous positions you can explore, such as sitting cross-legged, adopting a 90/90 posture with bent knees, or extending one or both legs. The key is to experiment and discover which positions feel most comfortable for you, while also varying them regularly.


Here’s a new goal to strive for: dedicate at least 30 minutes of your day to sitting on the floor. Embrace this practice for a week, and then revisit the Sit-and-Rise test. You will undoubtedly notice a significant difference—a testament to the transformative power of this simple yet profound change.


By reintegrating floor sitting into your daily routine, you will gradually unravel the benefits it holds for your body. Improved hip mobility, increased flexibility in your hamstrings, and a reduction in back and knee pain are just a few of the rewards that await you.


So, make a promise to yourself and embark on this journey of rediscovering natural movement. Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of the Sit-and-Rise test, allowing it to guide you towards a healthier and more vibrant existence. Remember, the path to optimal well-being starts with small steps, and this test serves as a crucial milestone along that transformative journey.


The Breath-Hold Test: Mastering Big, Deep, and Slow Breathing.


The Importance of Breathing: Unlocking Better Movement and Vitality


Do you recall those moments when your parents urged you to sit up straight in your chair? Well, they were imparting more than just aesthetic advice. Maintaining an upright posture actually contributes to optimal breathing. Considering that your muscles require oxygen to function efficiently, the quality of your breath directly impacts your movement capabilities.


Thus, a crucial question to ask yourself during various activities—whether standing, sitting, or engaging in any form of movement—is: Can I breathe effectively in this position?


Breathing well encompasses three primary aspects. Firstly, it involves breathing expansively, allowing your belly, chest, and ribcage to fully expand upon inhalation. Secondly, it emphasizes the significance of nasal breathing, even during exercise if possible. Mouth breathing has been linked to numerous health issues, including sleep apnea, snoring, and bloating. In contrast, nasal breathing is associated with enhanced lung capacity and increased endurance. Lastly, breathing slowly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and relaxation responses within your body.


Now, let’s delve into the Breath-Hold Test, also known as the BOLT Test. Find a moment of relaxation before proceeding. Sit or stand comfortably, and take a normal inhalation through your nose. Exhale naturally, then pinch your nose closed. Observe the clock and hold your breath until you feel the first significant urge to breathe.


This test measures your CO2 tolerance level, indicating how well your body can tolerate carbon dioxide. The longer you can comfortably hold your breath, the higher your CO2 tolerance. And the higher your CO2 tolerance, the more efficiently your body utilizes oxygen, leading to increased energy levels.


Ideally, your result should fall within the range of 30 to 40 seconds, while a score of 20 is acceptable. However, if your score falls below 10, it signifies the need to prioritize breathwork as an essential aspect of your well-being.


So, where does the journey towards improved breathing begin? It starts with the simple act of developing awareness of your breath, which is often an unconscious process. Merely paying attention to how you breathe can have transformative effects. Remember the key parameters we discussed earlier: prioritize breathing deeply, slowly, and through the nose.


Additionally, integrating a brief breathing routine into your morning rituals can yield remarkable benefits. Find a comfortable spot on the floor, either sitting or lying down, and engage in the kind of expansive, deliberate breaths we previously described. You may even incorporate a gentle hum or sound on the exhale. Dedicate two minutes to this practice, gradually increasing to three to five rounds. An added bonus? This routine serves as a dual-purpose meditation practice, fostering mental tranquility alongside physical well-being.


By prioritizing the quality of your breath and integrating these practices into your daily routine, you unlock the potential for improved movement, heightened vitality, and a profound sense of overall well-being. Embrace the transformative power of conscious breathing, and witness how it sets the stage for a life brimming with energy, balance, and inner harmony.

The Couch Test: Hip Extension for Life Improvement.


The Importance of Hip Extension: Unlocking Movement Potential and Counteracting the Effects of Prolonged Sitting


It’s not just about the amount of time we spend sitting; it’s also about the impact it has on our movement capabilities when we finally rise from our chairs. When we sit, our torso and legs form a 90-degree angle, causing our hips to be in a state of flexion.


However, our hips yearn for extension just as much. Hip extension is the complete opposite of hip flexion—imagine kicking your leg backward. Walking, throwing, getting up and down from the floor, and all the other activities that align with human nature require adequate hip extension.


Unfortunately, our sedentary culture has led to limited hip extension for most individuals today. This is why opening up your hips through targeted practices becomes crucial for overall movement and well-being.


The Couch Test serves as a measurement of hip extension. Although the name suggests sitting on a couch, you won’t actually be doing so—unless you struggle with the initial variation of the test. Initially, all you need is a small section of clear wall and floor space, along with a cushion to protect your knees. Engaging your glutes is essential for achieving proper hip position, so remember to squeeze your butt throughout the test.


To begin, position yourself on all fours with your toes touching the wall. Place one knee on the cushion at the intersection of the wall and floor, with your shin resting against the wall and toes pointing downward. The other knee remains on the ground, and your hands remain on the floor. This marks Step 1 of the test.


Moving on to Step 2, try raising the free knee and placing your foot on the ground while keeping the other knee at the floor-wall intersection. Finally, in Step 3, aim to bring your torso fully upright. If you can achieve this position without significant discomfort, congratulations—you possess the kind of hip extension that should be the goal for all individuals!


If you only manage to reach Step 1 or Step 2, you have an incredible opportunity to unlock full hip mobility. If Step 1 already proves uncomfortable, you can modify the test by performing it on a couch. Simply place one knee on the seat of the couch and the other foot on the floor.


The beauty of the Couch Test lies in its ability to serve as both an assessment and a remedy. If you wish to work on improving your hip extension, the Couch Stretch is an ideal starting point. Hold the same positions as in the test but aim to sustain them for longer durations—gradually working up to 3, or even 5, minutes. Throughout the stretch, remember to breathe deeply and continue engaging your glutes by squeezing your butt.


By prioritizing the development of hip extension and incorporating the Couch Test and Couch Stretch into your routine, you unlock the potential to counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting, enhance your movement capabilities, and cultivate a body that thrives in various physical endeavors. Embrace the practice of hip extension, and witness how it transforms your posture, mobility, and overall well-being.


The Steps-Per-Day Inventory: Walking to Alleviate Pain.


The Dangers of Prolonged Sitting and the Benefits of Walking: Embracing an Active Lifestyle for Enhanced Well-being


By now, it’s evident that sitting isn’t doing us any favors. The detrimental effects of sitting in a chair for extended periods of time are so significant that even a rigorous 60-minute CrossFit session each morning fails to offset its negative impact.


In fact, a study conducted by the American Cancer Society in 2010 revealed that individuals who sit for more than six hours a day face an 18 to 37 percent higher risk of premature death compared to those who sit for less than three hours a day. This eye-opening data underscores the importance of avoiding prolonged sitting. But what exactly constitutes “too long”? To err on the side of caution, it is advisable to limit consecutive sitting periods to no more than 30 minutes.


Now, let’s shift our focus to the incredible benefits of walking. Increasing your daily walking has been linked to a multitude of positive outcomes, including reduced obesity, decreased risk of diabetes and heart disease, alleviation of depression and anxiety, and even a lower likelihood of certain cancers. Engaging in regular walking strengthens your joints and bones, improves circulation, and positively impacts sleep quality, mood, and memory. As a surprising bonus, did you know that walking 8,000 steps per day burns twice as many calories as running three times a week?


To put this knowledge to the test, you can easily conduct a simple inventory. Utilize your smartphone or any other pedometer to track your steps for three consecutive days. Calculate the average from these three days and evaluate your performance.


Research suggests that our hunter-gatherer ancestors typically walked between 12,000 and 17,000 steps per day. It’s highly likely that you’re not currently reaching that level of activity. However, setting a commendable goal for yourself would be to strive for 8,000 to 10,000 steps daily.


When it comes to walking, it’s important to consider both quantity and consistency. However, certain aspects of quality also warrant attention. For instance, pay close attention to your foot position while walking. Ensure that your ankles align directly above your heels, avoiding any inward or outward deviation. Additionally, maintaining a proper arch between the ball and heel of your foot is crucial, as this structural feature provides the literal spring in your step.


To optimize your foot mechanics, opt for the flattest shoes possible or, even better, embrace barefoot walking whenever feasible. Embracing this natural approach will enhance the functionality and strength of your feet.


The beauty of incorporating more walking into your routine is its versatility. It can be as simple as taking a leisurely stroll in the park, walking your children to school, engaging in a phone conversation while walking, or even practicing nose breathing while you walk. The options are plentiful, and with a bit of creativity, you’ll effortlessly reach your step count goal.


So, bid farewell to prolonged sitting and embrace the benefits of walking. By adopting an active lifestyle and prioritizing regular walking, you’ll experience an array of physical and mental advantages that will undoubtedly enhance your overall well-being. It’s time to hit the pavement and enjoy the transformative power of each step you take.


The Food Count: Balanced Nutrition for Optimal Health.


The Fuel Factor: Nourishing Your Body for Optimal Performance


Food is a fascinating and intricate topic that holds significant importance in our lives. However, shifting our perspective and considering food as fuel can revolutionize the way we approach it.


The impact of our daily food choices extends beyond mere sustenance. It directly affects our muscles, tendons, cartilage, bones, and virtually every other part of our body that enables movement. In essence, eating well translates to moving well.


Contrary to popular belief, eating well does not necessitate adhering to a specific diet over another. Whether you follow a vegan, Paleo, or Keto lifestyle, the fundamental elements revolve around two key components: protein and micronutrients. Micronutrients encompass vital vitamins and minerals derived from unprocessed fruits and vegetables. These micronutrients play crucial roles in facilitating cell growth, supporting immune function, enhancing nerve conduction, enabling muscle contraction, and countless other essential bodily processes.


Equally significant is the role of protein. It can be obtained from animal sources such as meat, eggs, and dairy, as well as plant sources like grains, legumes, and nuts. Protein provides the necessary amino acids that assist in muscle development and maintenance, DNA expression, antibody production, and a host of other critical functions within our bodies.


Now, let’s delve into the assessment aspect. This particular evaluation consists of two parts. The first part is known as the 800-Gram Count. It involves tracking the number of grams of unprocessed fruits and vegetables consumed in a typical day. Whether fresh, cooked, canned, or frozen, as long as they are not fried or processed, all forms count towards the goal of reaching 800 grams of fruits and vegetables daily.


Moving on to the second part, this section requires a slightly more intricate approach and is best executed using a nutrition tracker app such as MyFitnessPal. Here, the objective is to record all protein sources consumed in a typical day and assess the actual protein intake. The recommended benchmark falls between 0.7 and 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. However, individuals engaged in regular athletic activities may benefit from aiming higher.


So, how can one meet these targets effectively? Strategic planning plays a vital role. Ensuring that nutritious food options are readily available is key. For instance, preparing a snack box filled with a variety of vegetables to take to work can help maintain healthy eating habits throughout the day. As for protein, a useful guideline is to include a fistful of protein-rich sources, such as fish, meat, or beans, on every plate consumed.


Remember, adopting an overly restrictive diet is unnecessary from a health perspective. Instead, focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods that you genuinely enjoy. By prioritizing nourishing choices, the pieces will naturally fall into place, leading to an overall balanced and fulfilling approach to food.

The Hours Count: Prioritizing Quality Sleep for Optimal Well-being.


Sleep, something we should all recognize as crucial for our overall well-being. However, there are still individuals proudly proclaiming they can function on a mere four hours of sleep each night. While recent research suggests there may exist a small fraction of the population known as the “sleepless elite” who thrive on just five hours of sleep, they make up less than one percent of the population. It’s highly likely that you don’t fall into this category.


For the majority of us, a solid seven to nine hours of sleep per night is necessary. Surprisingly, 35 percent of the US population doesn’t even reach the lower end of this recommended sleep range.


So, let’s delve into why sleep holds such immense importance for our bodies. Firstly, our brains require adequate sleep, and our bodies rely on the optimal functioning of our brains; without them, everything begins to crumble. A study conducted by the University of California in 2015 revealed that individuals who slept less than six hours per night were four times more likely to catch a cold. Insufficient sleep has been linked to lower life expectancy, increased risk of diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke. On the other hand, well-rested individuals perform better, react faster, and experience lower rates of injuries.


Now, let’s perform a simple test in this section: track the number of hours you truly spend sleeping, not the time spent in bed but the actual hours of sleep. If you find yourself consistently getting less than seven hours of sleep, it’s time to take action. However, this action doesn’t involve physical movement; instead, you should focus on increasing your sleep duration.


Assessing the quality of your sleep may also be beneficial. Numerous fitness trackers can measure sleep quality, but you can also evaluate this by asking yourself a straightforward question: How rested do you feel after the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep? If you consistently get eight hours of sleep but still feel perpetually tired, it’s likely that the quality of your sleep is lacking.


To enhance both the duration and quality of your sleep, it’s essential to cultivate good “sleep hygiene.” This means prioritizing sleep by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Additionally, ensure that your body has engaged in sufficient physical activity throughout the day to facilitate a natural wind-down process. Avoid consuming caffeine in the latter part of the day, and create a bedroom environment that is tranquil, cool, and devoid of excessive light. Disconnect from bright lights and technology at least a couple of hours before bedtime.


Adopting these healthy sleep habits will help synchronize your body’s internal clock, signaling that it’s time for a restful night’s sleep. So, take the time to rejuvenate, allowing yourself to experience better rest and consequently enhancing your overall movement capabilities.

Final summary.


Throughout our discussion, we have explored several key habits that play a significant role in improving the way our bodies feel, move, and function. Let’s delve into these habits in more detail, starting with the practice of sitting and getting up off the floor. It is essential to minimize prolonged sitting in chairs and instead incorporate more floor-based sitting positions. By doing so, we can counteract the negative effects of excessive chair sitting. Furthermore, walking serves as an excellent way to incorporate daily movement into our lives, promoting overall physical well-being.


In addition to these habits, it is crucial to focus on the mobility and flexibility of our hips. The Couch Stretch, a series of mobilizations designed to open up our hip joints, plays a vital role in countering the effects of prolonged sitting. By engaging in regular hip mobilization exercises, we can improve hip extension and promote better overall movement patterns.


Furthermore, we cannot overlook the importance of proper breathing, nourishment, and quality sleep in maintaining optimal body function. These practices need not be overly complicated or pursued with a goal of achieving perfection. Rather, they are simple yet essential components of caring for our bodies and promoting overall well-being.


By prioritizing deep, mindful breathing, we can improve oxygenation throughout our bodies, enhance relaxation, and reduce stress levels. When it comes to nourishment, a balanced and wholesome diet that includes a variety of nutrients is key. Prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, ensures that our bodies receive the necessary fuel and essential micronutrients to support cellular growth, immune function, and overall health.


Lastly, we must acknowledge the vital role of sleep in our well-being. By establishing healthy sleep habits and creating a restful sleep environment, we can support our bodies in achieving the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Quality sleep allows for restoration, recovery, and the optimization of numerous bodily processes.


It is crucial to approach these habits with the understanding that perfection is not the goal. Rather, we aim to provide our bodies with the care and attention they deserve, while minimizing unnecessary complexity and hassle. By adopting these holistic practices, we can enhance our body’s function, promote overall well-being, and embrace a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Comprehension Practice Questions.

Why is sitting for prolonged periods of time detrimental to our bodies?

What is the importance of hip mobility and how can it be improved?

How does walking contribute to overall physical well-being?

What are some key practices for improving breathing?

What role does nutrition play in maintaining optimal body function?

Why is quality sleep important for our well-being?

What are some strategies for creating a restful sleep environment?

What is the overall approach to these habits and practices?

How does deep breathing affect our bodies and stress levels?

Why is it important to prioritize whole, unprocessed foods in our diet?

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Sun Aug 27 , 2023
James Clear is a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur who focuses on the topics of habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement. Clear’s work has been featured in a number of prominent publications, including The New York Times, Time magazine, and Entrepreneur magazine. He is also a regular speaker at conferences and events, […]

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