Burn the Boats Book Summary: Toss Plan B Overboard and Unleash Your Full Potential by Matt Higgins

What to Expect Reading this Book:

When reading this book, you can expect to be inspired to take action towards achieving your dreams. The book is filled with real-life stories of individuals who have taken the leap of faith, abandoned their Plan Bs, and achieved success beyond their wildest dreams.

You can expect to learn about the importance of having a vision for your life, and listening to your psyche when it’s trying to tell you something. The book emphasizes the importance of not chasing other people’s ideas of success, but instead creating your own path towards success.

Additionally, you can expect to learn about the benefits of burning your boats and taking the leap towards your goals, even when faced with challenges or going against conventional wisdom. You’ll learn how each time you take the leap, you get better at it, and it becomes easier to do so.

Moreover, you can expect to gain valuable insights into how to consolidate your gains and leverage them to achieve your next opportunity. The book encourages readers to start planning their next move as soon as possible, instead of waiting until something finishes.

Overall, this book provides a roadmap for individuals looking to achieve their dreams by taking calculated risks and abandoning their Plan Bs. The book is filled with practical tips and real-life examples, making it an engaging and inspiring read for anyone looking to pursue their dreams.


Burn the Boats (2023) is an inspiring tale of how Matt Higgins overcame abject poverty and rose to success and wealth by adopting a bold approach – tossing Plan B and going all-in. The book takes readers on a journey of Higgins’ life and showcases how he achieved his goals by taking risks and following his passions.

Through his own story and experiences, Higgins provides guidance and inspiration to readers who may be struggling to achieve their own goals and dreams. He encourages readers to adopt a mindset of determination, resilience, and persistence in the pursuit of success. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and staying focused on one’s goals, and provides practical advice on how to develop a plan of action to achieve them.

Higgins’ own success story is a testament to the power of his approach. As a co-founder of RSE Ventures, a multi-billion dollar investment firm, he has demonstrated his ability to take risks and make bold moves in the business world. He has also appeared on the hit TV show Shark Tank as a guest investor, showcasing his expertise in the world of entrepreneurship.

Before his success, Higgins had to overcome numerous obstacles. He grew up in abject poverty and faced numerous challenges, including the tragic loss of his father at a young age. However, he did not let these challenges hold him back. Instead, he used them as fuel to pursue his dreams and achieve his goals.

Higgins’ success is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and resilience. His story provides inspiration and guidance to readers who may be facing their own challenges and obstacles in the pursuit of success. Burn the Boats is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve their own goals and dreams, and who is willing to take risks and go all-in to make them a reality.

In addition to his success in the business world, Higgins also has a background in sports. He was a highly placed executive with both the New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins, showcasing his ability to succeed in different fields. His diverse background and experiences make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to achieve success in any aspect of their life.

Overall, Burn the Boats is an inspiring and motivational book that is sure to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you are an entrepreneur, athlete, or anyone with a dream and a desire to succeed, this book will provide you with the tools and inspiration you need to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality.


Here’s motivation to go all-in on your dreams.

The story of Julius Caesar arriving on the English coast with his outnumbered army and ordering his men to burn their boats is one of the most well-known and inspiring tales of bold leadership in history. Caesar knew that his soldiers may be tempted to retreat in the face of overwhelming odds, so he removed any possibility of retreat by burning their boats. This move was not only symbolic but also strategic, as it forced his soldiers to fight with all their might, knowing that there was no way back.

As for Matt Higgins, he may not have known about Caesar’s strategy, but he intuited its wisdom at a young age. Growing up in abject poverty in a tiny, rent-stabilized apartment in Queen’s, New York, Matt knew that he needed to take a bold leap if he wanted to escape his dire situation quickly. He had a low-wage job at McDonald’s and knew that it would take years before he could start college and earn college wages.

So, Matt came up with a plan to drop out of high school at 16, take the GED, and apply to college two years faster. This decision was a risky one, and he knew that if he told anyone about his plan, they would try to pull him back on course. He had to burn his boats and take a bold leap of faith.

Matt stopped going to school, failed every class spectacularly, and dropped out the day he turned 16. This move may seem reckless, but it was a calculated risk that paid off for him. He was able to start college two years earlier, earn college wages sooner, and put food in his mother’s fridge.

The effectiveness of burning your boats lies in the fact that it removes any possibility of retreat. When there is no Plan B, you are forced to give your all to Plan A. This mindset is what separates those who achieve wild success from those who never quite reach their full potential.

In his book, Matt Higgins provides guidance and inspiration to readers who are looking to take a bold leap in their own lives. He shares stories of people who have achieved their dreams by burning their boats and going all-in on their goals. He encourages readers to ditch their Plan Bs and focus solely on their true calling, even if it means taking a risky leap of faith.

Through his own story and the stories of others, Matt shows that burning your boats is not just a strategy for military conquests but a mindset that can lead to personal and professional success. By removing the safety net of Plan B, you are forced to give your all to Plan A, and that is where true success lies.

Burning your boats may seem like a reckless move, but it is a strategy that has been used throughout history to achieve great things. Matt Higgins’ story is a testament to the power of taking a bold leap of faith, and his book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to achieve their dreams by going all-in on their goals. With Matt’s guidance and inspiration, readers can find the courage to burn their boats and pursue their true calling with all their might.

Trust yourself to take the leap.

Matt Higgins saw potential in Jesse Derris, a 26-year-old PR professional who had already made partner at his firm. Despite his age, Jesse was unafraid to speak candidly to executives and had an innate ability to predict trends and recognize patterns. However, Matt recognized that Jesse’s talents were not being utilized to their fullest potential. After taking a walk around Manhattan’s Madison Square Park, Matt offered Jesse a $2 million investment to start his own PR company.

Although Matt had complete confidence in him, Jesse was still hesitant to strike out on his own. He questioned whether he was capable and wondered if it was the right time. But despite these doubts, Jesse ultimately decided to take the leap and accept Matt’s offer after talking it over with his girlfriend.

Jesse’s story exemplifies the first key to burning your boats: trusting your instincts, even if it goes against conventional wisdom. But taking that leap can be difficult, especially when the unknown looms ahead. Your mind may try to convince you to play it safe and stay put.

If you’re struggling to take the leap, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, there will never be a perfect time to act, and waiting may only make it more difficult later on. If you feel called to make a change, it’s best to do it now.

Secondly, don’t wait for validation or buy-in from others. Taking calculated risks is all about seeing opportunities where others don’t, and seeking approval from others may only hold you back.

Thirdly, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and pursue something new. Society may pressure you to stick with what you know, but sometimes taking a leap into something unfamiliar can lead to great success. For example, Sarah Cooper left her career in tech to pursue comedy, which eventually led to her own Netflix show.

Lastly, don’t fall into the trap of incrementalism. People may encourage you to climb the ladder one step at a time, but sometimes taking a leap or even finding a new ladder altogether is necessary to achieve your goals.

In short, when your instincts are in conflict with conventional ideas, it’s important to trust yourself and take the leap. Ask yourself what your vision for your life is and consider whether you want to miss the chance to become the best version of yourself.

Jesse Derris serves as an example of this mindset in action. Just a few years after accepting Matt’s investment and starting his own firm, he sold it to PR giant BerlinRosen and became a self-made millionaire in 2022.

Chase fear in tough times.

The journey to a fulfilling life is not always smooth. When you take big risks and burn your boats, fear and anxiety are common companions. However, it’s crucial to be prepared for the inevitable crises that come with going all-in. Instead of hitting the brakes and turning back when things get tough, it’s essential to lean into the discomfort.

Matt, for instance, experienced anxiety and self-doubt the night before he appeared as a guest investor on the hit TV show Shark Tank. He spent hours lying awake in his hotel room, overwhelmed by the prospect of the upcoming challenge. As soon as the cameras began rolling, he completely froze.

It’s important to realize that some level of fear can be a good thing. It can drive performance if you manage it and use it to your advantage. Research by Barbara Fredrickson at the University of Michigan reveals that positive emotions during a crisis build resilience, which helps protect against depression. This means seeing crises as opportunities to grow can help you thrive.

Despite his fears, Matt recognized that appearing on Shark Tank was an incredible professional opportunity. Therefore, he signed up, but he spent the next year preparing himself. He watched every episode of the show with his son, taking detailed notes.

However, when fear threatens to become too much, it’s essential to remind yourself of your strengths and how you have overcome challenging situations in the past. On the first day of shooting Shark Tank, Matt was able to break out of his frozen state of anxiety through self-talk. He reminded himself that he was capable of doing this and that he belonged there.

In the end, Matt’s self-talk paid off, as he was able to beat out veteran shark Kevin O’Leary in his first deal. He showed the pitching entrepreneur who he was and promised to stand by him through every challenge, demonstrating the kind of investor he was.

The lesson here is that a crisis can force you to act, and when faced with the possibility of losing everything you’ve worked for, you have to gather all your strength and fight. This is what it means to embrace the crisis and run toward the fear.

Consolidate gains, burn boats again.

At the core of burning the boats is the idea of being true to yourself and owning your journey. It’s about having the courage to pursue your own vision of success, rather than chasing other people’s ideas of what success should look like. This starts with listening to your inner voice and taking it seriously, no matter how unconventional or fantastical it may seem.

Matt’s story is a shining example of what can be accomplished when you follow your own path. At the young age of 16, he realized that he needed to change his life’s trajectory. He had a powerful vision for his future, one that was driven by his desire for financial freedom and a better life for himself and his mother.

To make this vision a reality, Matt had to take a leap of faith and burn his boats. He dropped out of high school and started college two years early, knowing that he would have to work hard to shed his identity as a dropout. He took a job in the press office of New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani while also attending law school at night.

When he was passed over for a promotion in Giuliani’s office, Matt burned his boats again and left the job. Within a few months, he was offered the position of press secretary at just 26 years old. This was a defining moment in Matt’s life, as it allowed him to create a new story for himself, one of success and achievement.

Matt’s journey teaches us an important lesson about the pursuit of our dreams. When we reach the end of one journey, we must be prepared to burn the boats and start again. This requires courage and practice, as it is not an easy task. However, each time we take this leap, we become stronger and better prepared for the next challenge.

Matt’s career continued to evolve, as he consolidated his gains from each step and leveraged them to achieve even greater success. He managed the mayor’s press during the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, became CEO of the effort to rebuild Ground Zero, and was hired by the New York Jets to build a new stadium for them on an underused piece of Manhattan real estate called Hudson Yards.

Although the stadium project did not ultimately come to fruition, Matt used the opportunity to become a senior executive with the Jets. When he could no longer grow in that role, he left without a plan B. It was the owner of the Miami Dolphins, Stephen Ross, who recognized Matt’s initiative and offered him his next job.

The key takeaway from Matt’s story is that we should never let ourselves stagnate. Instead, we must consolidate our gains and use them to propel ourselves forward to the next opportunity. This requires careful planning and the willingness to take risks, but it is the only way to achieve our dreams and create the life that we truly want. So, don’t wait until something finishes; start planning your next move now and use every advantage you have to take the leap towards your future.

Final summary

Matt Higgins’ story teaches us that success requires the courage to go all in and burn the boats, without a Plan B. In today’s world, many people tend to have a backup plan in case things don’t work out as they hoped. However, relying on a Plan B can hold you back from reaching your true potential and realizing your dreams.

Matt’s journey started when he was just a 16-year-old boy living in a small apartment in Queens with his mother. Despite his circumstances, he had a vision for his life and knew that he needed to be on a different path. He burned his boats by quitting high school to start college two years early, in pursuit of a better life for himself and his mother.

As Matt progressed through life, he continued to burn his boats and take risks in pursuit of his goals. He worked hard to shed his identity as a high school dropout, eventually landing a job in the press office of New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. When he was passed over for a promotion, he burned his boats again and left the job. This decision led to him becoming the press secretary at just 26 years old, with a new identity as the youngest press secretary.

Matt’s story shows us that each time we burn our boats, we get better at it. It becomes easier to take risks and pursue our dreams, even when the challenges seem insurmountable. With each success, we can consolidate our gains and use them to leverage the next opportunity.

Matt never let himself stagnate, and he always planned for his next move. He consolidated his gains from each step, using them to take the next leap. This is a valuable lesson for anyone looking to achieve success in their career or personal life.

Today, Matt runs his own venture capital firm, RSE Ventures, where he helps entrepreneurs around the world realize their business dreams. He has come a long way from his humble beginnings, but he never forgot the lessons he learned along the way.

In conclusion, Matt Higgins’ story is a testament to the power of burning the boats and abandoning Plan B. It takes courage to trust yourself and take the leap, but the rewards can be enormous. By consolidating your gains and using them to leverage the next opportunity, you can achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.

Comprehension Practice Questions.

What is the concept of “burning the boats”?

What does it mean to “own your journey”?

Who is Matt Higgins and what was his vision for his life?

How did Matt Higgins shed his identity as a high school dropout?

What does it mean to consolidate your gains and burn the boats again?

How did Matt Higgins leverage his previous experiences to achieve his goals?

Why is it important to trust yourself and take the leap towards your dreams?

What is RSE Ventures and what is its connection to Matt Higgins?

How can one strengthen their ability to burn the boats and pursue their dreams? How can one use their current advantages to take the next leap towards their goals?

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